ITIL version 3

•What is ITIL v3?
•Why use ITIL v3?
•How to use ITIL v3?
•Differences between ITIL v2, v3, v4.

What is ITIL v3?
•Definition: ITIL v3 is Information Technology Infrastructure Library version 3.
•ITIL v3 is represented by five books of processes and good practices.
•ITIL v3 was created in united Kingdom by Margaret Thatcher.
•Quality: ITIL v3 is certified ISO 9000 and ISO 20000.

Why use ITIL v3?
For a company, the goals are the following:
•To manage the ITC within the company in a better way, and
•To improve the IT services provided to customers.

How to use ITIL v3?
Try to adapt to each company all or few ITIL processes.

What is a process?
•ITIL defines a process as a structured set of activities designed to accomplish a specific objective
•A process can also be defined as a set of coordinated activities combining and implementing resources and capabilities in order to produce an outcome which, directly or indirectly,
creates value for an external customer or stakeholder.
•My definition (in French): un processus est un ensemble de moyens humains, matériels et financiers mises en place pour atteindre un but précis.
Par exemple implémenter le processus Change Management dans une entreprise nécessite des moyens humains (comme embaucher un Change Manager), des moyens matériels
(comme un logiciel de gestion des changements informatiques) et des moyens financiers pour financer le tout.

Definitions of Value / Service / KPI
•Value is defined by utility and warranty (sufficient availability, security, support).
•Service= means of delivering a value to customers.
•KPI = Key Performance Indicator= a measure showing the performance of a process.

The main processes in ITIL v3
ITIL v3= 5 books= 5 main processes:
•Process Service Strategy
•Process Service Design
•Process Service Transition
•Process Service Operation
•Process Continual Service Improvement
And each main process contains few sub-processes; at all there are about 27 processes and sub-processes.

Goal of process Service Strategy:
•To define the market.
•To develop the offerings.
•To develop strategic assets.
•To prepare for execution.

Sub-processes of Service Strategy:
•Process Service Portfolio Management.
•Process Demand Management.
•Process Financial Management.

Goal of Service Strategy sub-processes
•Process Service Portfolio Management
List of the complete set of services (services visible to customers, services under development and retired services).

•Process Demand Management
understand and influence demands for service and capacity required

•Process Financial Management
Manage budgeting, accounting and charging requirements.And ROI: Return On Investment

Contains the following sub-processes:
•Process Service Level Management
•Process Service Catalogue Management
•Process Capacity Management
•Process Availability Management
•Process IT Service Continuity Management
•Process Information Security Management
•Process Supplier Management.

Process Service Level Management
•It is the most important ITIL process.
•Service Level Manager : very important role; interface with IT, customers, and external providers.
•Define SLA (Service Level Agreement).
•Ensure that customers are satisfied, try to keep good relationship during all the year.

Process Service Catalogue Management
•It is a database or structured document with information about all live IT services.
•Ensure the Service catalogue is produced, maintained, and shared with customers (but not visible to everybody).
•Service catalogue contains SLA (Service Level Agreement).

Process Capacity Management
There are three different kinds of capacity:
•Business capacity: about the future needs.
•Services capacity: our capacity to provide the services to customers.
•Infrastructure component capacity (HDD…).

Process Availability Management
•Always in percentage (%).
•MTRS, MTBF, reliability, resilience.
•Contains ITIL sub-process Risk Management.

Process IT Service Continuity Management
•Prevention + recovery.
•To have a fully redundant and proactive IT.
•Make a continuity plan in case of disaster.
•Contains ITIL sub-process Risk Management.

Process Information Security Management
•To make the policy regarding IT security.
•Security objectives= CIA : Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability of information.
•Everybody must be aware about security policy.
•To ensure that IT security is managed in all services.

It is a guidance on transitioning services into operations (i.e. moving from development into live).
Contains the following sub-processes:
•Change Management.
•Service Asset and Configuration Management.
•Release and Deployment Management.
•Knowledge Management.

Process Change Management
•Control Changes implementation with minimum disruption of IT services.
•Always to have a tested roll-back procedure before implementing each Change.
•Assess – Authorize - Control.
•Contains the sub-process Risk Management.

Process Service Asset and Configuration Management
•Creation of CMDB and DML.
•CMDB= Configuration Management DataBase= an inventory of all IT assets and the links between them.
•DML= Definitive Media Library= a secure place to store all the authorized IT software, licenses, documentations… in order to protect them.

Process Release and Deployment Management
Deploy releases into Production and establish effective use of the service in order to deliver value to customers, and to handover to service operations.

Process Knowledge Management
Manage knowledge on order to ensure timely provision of accurate information to allow informed decision making.

Contains the following sub-processes:
•Incident Management
•Event Management
•Problem Management
•Access Management
•Request Fulfillment

Contains also the following functions:
•Service Desk
•Technical Management
•Applications Management
•IT Operation Management
•Facility Management

Process Incident Management
•The goal is to restore a normal service operation as quickly as possible, often by using a workaround.
•A workaround is a way to reduce or eliminate the impact of the incident.
•An incident is an unplanned interruption of an IT service or a reduction in the quality of an IT service.
•Incident prioritization: a function of “urgency” and “impact”.
About the time: agreement with customers.

Process Event Management
•Event= alert or notification created by any service, CI (Configuration Item) or monitoring tool.
•There are three kinds of events: informational; warning (threshold); exception (abnormal operation).
•Detect events, make sense of them and determine appropriate control action.

Process Problem Management
•A problem is an unknown cause of one or more incidents.
•The goal of Problem Management is to find the root cause of incidents.
•The Problem Manager must be another person than the Incident Manager.

Processes Access Management and Request Fulfillment
•The goal of process Access Management is to give accesses to service’s functionality or data.
•With process Request Fulfillment, all kind of IT requests must be registered.
•ITIL asks to register in a tool each request, change, incident and problem.

Main functions of process Service Operation
•Service Desk: very important role, SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) for customers. Service Desk is the image of our company !
•Technical Management and Applications Management.
•IT Operations Management: day-to-day activities to manage and maintain the IT infrastructure.
•Facility Management: manages the physical environment where the IT infrastructure is located.

•The goal is to review and improve the services and processes.
•Review and analyze the results.
•Try to put in place strategy and targets.
•Focus on quality and costs.
•If you don’t spend time to try to improve services provided to your customers, someone else will do it !

•With v3, ensure that each service provided is really used by customer(s).
•With v3, the IT Services must become competitive.
•More processes in v3 (about 25), improvement of v2.
•In Change Management: an urgent change of ITIL v2 is now (in v3) an emergency change.

ITIL version 4 takes into account DevOps, Lean management and Agile methodology.


•Book 1- Service Strategy
Service Portfolio Management - Demand Management - Financial Management

•Book 2- Service Design
Service Level Management - Service Catalogue Management - Capacity Management
Availability Management – IT Service Continuity Management
Information Security Management – Supplier Management

•Book 3- Service Transition
Change Management - Service Asset and Configuration Management
Release and Deployment Management - Knowledge Management

•Book 4- Service Operation
Event Management - Incident Management
Request Management - Problem Management- Access Management

•Book 5- Continual Service Improvement


•ITIL v3 is really useful for companies.
•More and more companies implement ITIL processes.
•Improvements measurable.
•Customers satisfaction.

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